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Our Story

In May 2015 our second daughter Penelope was born, and we found out a few weeks later that Penelope was profoundly deaf. We knew then that we needed to learn sign language to communicate with her. When Penelope was just a baby, we were incredibly lucky to have a wonderful sign language teacher who started us on our sign language journey. Penelope now has a cochlear implant and she uses both sign language and speech to communicate with her friends and family. Penelope is growing up fast and she is now eight years old and attends a main stream school where she is the only deaf child at her school. Over the years, many of Penelope’s friends have wanted to learn sign language to communicate with Penelope. The only problem with this is that there were never any sign language courses where the signs taught were useful for children. The official British Sign Language courses that are available, are brilliant, but aimed more at adults where you learn to sign the weather, ask for directions, learn different forms of transport, etc. Not much use in the school playground! And so Let’s Learn BSL was born. Here we offer British Sign Language courses specifically with children in mind, adults are welcome too! Our courses cover a wide range of topics where children learn sign language that they can use in their everyday lives. Topics such as family, colours, numbers, animals, emotions, classroom objects and much much more.

I hope your child loves learning sign language through our courses. Learning sign language is a skill for life that can benefit children in countless ways. Whether a child has a hearing impairment, a deaf friend, a deaf family member or just an interest in learning this incredible language, we hope you agree that our courses are the perfect way to start their sign language journey.

Jean Norfolk, creator of Let's Learn BSL and very proud mummy to Penelope and big sister Bella.


Sisters, and best friends, Bella and Penelope


Penelope with her pet rabbit Spicey

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